How Does Water Help with Weight Loss?

Drinking water

Beyond its vital role in hydration, water offers many benefits that can

support your weight loss journey.

Water plays a significant role in weight loss and your overall health.  However, for some people, it is so hard to drink the necessary amount of water for adequate hydration in a day.  However, before we review some ways to increase your hydration, it is important to address the many ways water can help with weight loss.

Ways Water Helps You Lose Weight

Water, a wonderful calorie-free beverage, can be your ally in achieving your weight loss goals.  Below are a few reasons:

  1. Boosts Metabolism:  Drinking an adequate amount of water is important for day to day functions of your body, including metabolism and digestion. When you are well hydrated, your body can better metabolize stored fat and convert it into energy.  Studies have shown that drinking water can temporarily increase your resting energy expenditure, which is the number of calories your body burns at rest.
  2. Appetite Suppression:  Drinking water before a meal can help you eat less and prevent overeating.  It helps to fill you up without adding any extra calories to your diet.  This can lead to weight loss over time.
  3. Calorie-Free Hydration:  Replacing sugary drinks with water is a great way to cut calories.  Most sugary drinks are high in calories with very little nutritional value, whereas water is calorie-free and can help quench your thirst.  If you are not a fan of plain water, look for some of the flavored water options.
  4. Enhances Exercise Performance:  Staying hydrated is essential for optimal exercise performance.  When you’re properly hydrated, you can exercise harder and longer, which can contribute to more calories burned and higher weight loss.
  5. Flushes Out Toxins:  Drinking water helps flush toxins and waste products from your body which can support your overall health and potentially aid in weight loss.
  6. Reduces Water Retention:  Staying hydrated can help reduce water retention.  When your body is dehydrated, it may hold onto excess water, leading to bloating and water weight gain.  Drinking enough water signals to your body that it’s okay to release excess water.
  7. Fosters healthy Habits:  Choosing water as your primary beverage can help foster a habit of making healthier choices overall.  It sets a precedent for consuming fewer calories from sugary drinks and more calories from nutrient-dense foods.

A great way to also increase your hydration is to consume foods with a high-water content.  Foods such as vegetables and broth-based soups can contribute to your overall water intake.  These foods are often low in calories and high in fiber, making them beneficial for weight loss.

Another way to increase your hydration is to ingest water throughout the day.  Always keep water with you so you can quench your thirst, curb your appetite, improve digestion, and enhance your weight loss efforts.

Finally, it is important to note that while water can support your weight loss efforts, it is not a magic solution on its own.  A healthy and balanced diet, regular physical activity, and other lifestyle factors also play significant roles in achieving and maintaining a health weight.  Additionally, individual needs for water intake may vary, so it’s best to consult with a medical provider to determine the appropriate amount of water for you. If you are interested in learning more about losing weight, please reach out to Dr. Trupti Patel and her experienced team at
